USDA Strengthening organic enforcement (SOE)
Following the implementation of USDA SOE on March 19th, 2024, all imported products labelled and sold as Organic, or made with Organic products, must be accompanied by a National Organic Program (NOP) Import Certificate.
The complete Rule is available on the USDA’s website: https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/strengthening-organic-enforcement
Any Importer selling goods represented as Organic, is required to have its organic certification. If you are importing organic wines or other organic goods, and have not obtained an Organic Certification, a list of USDA-accredited certifying agents is available on USDA’s website.
Organic Integrity Database (usda.gov).
The NOP – Import Certificate is provided by the Exporter in the foreign country after obtaining it from their USDA accredited Certifying Agent in the country of origin. The NOP – Import Certificate can cover one shipment or multiple shipments on a specific timeframe (e.g. Weekly, monthly, yearly) and amount or volume ceiling.
Each NOP – Import Certificate is assigned a number required for the entry into the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) system. Reach out to your Customs Broker for further information. Failure to provide a NOP – Import Certificate at time of entry, could result in sanctions such as, but not limited to: financial penalties, revocation of organic certification, destruction of the goods, or return of imported product(s) to the country of origin.
If you intend on shipping Organic wines, or other organic goods with Balguerie-Transo and Transo USA, please provide a copy of a valid Organic Certification, for our records.
For any shipment of Organic Products please notify our team, when placing your orders. Statement should clearly identify the Name of the supplier, the Purchase Order (PO) number, the description of the product.
Do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have.