FLYTRANS becomes the first independent French Air Freight Forwarder certified CEIV PHARMA (Center of Excellence for Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical Logistics) by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
This approach, initiated in 2019 with the Lyon Airport community, will soon be extended to all of our branches.
FLYTRANS thus wishes to offer the best services in terms of quality, by having them validated by the various existing certifications.
Our Quality, Safety and Security processes, already ISO and AEO certified, now fully comply with IATA regulations for temperature-controlled product transport, WHO recommendations and Good Distribution Practices for pharmaceutical products (EU GDP).
The training of our teams, the risk analysis and the follow-up of our action plans contribute to our continuous improvement process.
In a market in constant evolution, FLYTRANS is able to accompany the actors of the Health sector, and to take up in particular the Logistic challenges of tomorrow in front of the current health crisis.